Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sept. 26th.

Helen had an apt with Dr. Chris Sedergreen. He kicked Helen out of is office and said he couldn’t treat her because she is refusing to take the Celexa! He accused her of seeing other doctors behind his back, because she had a follow-up blood work done from our family doctor on the same day as the blood work he requested, and Helen told the lab to send him a copy thinking he was interested in her health condition. He was rude and has been ridiculous from the very being of her starting to see him for help. He is suggesting that her illness is pyshological and doesn’t acknowledge the physical problem. When she went to the ER, he faxed over her medical papers which stated his diagnosis of it all being emotional, so that is why they didn’t investigate further at the hospital that day. He told Helen that she has to comply with his terms or he can’t treat her!. She left extremely upset and confused.

All she wants is to get a diagnosis as to what is going on with her stomach. Yesterday she also went in to get help for a lung infection. He was uninterested in treating anything! She has been seeing him for almost 2 months every week, every week he talks of her having a personality disorder and he wants his daughter to be a “big sister” for her? And he is making arrangements for her to get funding through some Laurel Society for her to go to Emily Carr? When she comes out of his office she is confused, and I ask her what did he say and what is he doing for her stomach, and she said nothing! When she went to the ER, the next day we saw Dr. Sedergreen and he was mad that we went there! He said he has gravol in his office! He has no intravenous apparatus whatsoever! This guy is whacked! Absolutely dangerous and whacked. I will be reporting him to the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Spoke with Qureshi again and he was pleased that I made an apt to see Dr. Fell (our original family physician)… we need to get a requisition for an ultrasound of the abdomen.

We went to the chiropractor and he did some adjustments to help her stomach and nausea. It worked quite well... she was able to eat dinner at Jord's and Chantal's!

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