Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sept 20th - day after ER

we went to see Dr. Chris Sedergreen and he said he had been talking to a specialist about Helen's case and that the specialist agreed that she should be seen right away.

He also said he is disappointed and upset that she hasn’t started the Celexa (anti-depressant drug)! He admitted it was a poison and that it would cause nausea and vomiting. I told him we had discussed the idea, and felt it better that she wait until we get a diagnosis before we start taking something so damaging. We left the office with two requisitions, one for further blood work, and one for an X-ray with the barium solution. I had to remind him to give us the requisitons! I stopped at Eagle Ridge hospital to book the X-ray apt. and the soonest is Oct 25th! more than a month away! She won’t be able to see a specialist until the X-ray is done!

Is this the way our medical system treats people now! I don’t understand why my daughter can’t get any diagnostic help?!?

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