Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Oct. 23rd - tuesday

Helen woke up this morning feeling ill. She was dry heaving for half an hour.... she is going to school tho, just will be late.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Oct. 16

Helen is still not feeling well... a lot of burping, constipation alternating with diarrhea

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Oct. 12 - Friday night

Helen isn't feeling too bad, but she had 1 alcoholic drink and vomited a couple of hours later. Dr. Rogal told me that projectile vomiting isn't a good sign and to definately follow up with the complaint to the College of Physicians & Surgeons about Dr. Sedergreen.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oct. 11 - thursday

Helen had her ultra-sound imaging done at Eagle Ridge Hospital today... they said to contact our doctor in 4 - 5 business days... that takes us to next wed or thurs...

She is feeling somewhat OK today, she ate a fairly large amount at lunch! and then wanted to go shopping! all a good sign!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Oct. 9th - Tuesday

Helen has felt sort of OK the last few days and has even been able to eat somewhat. She ate well at Grama's on Sunday Thanksgiving. And she ate another Thanksgiving dinner at Chris's mom's house last night. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing different. But she woke up @ 3:00am with projectile vomiting!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Oct. 6 - Saturday night

Helen called me in the evening to let me know that her day wasn't good! ... she has had a fairly good week and has even been going to school. She was looking forward to and enjoyed the turkey dinner served at C.A.B.E. for lunch. But she threw up this morning after only having broth because she was hungry but feeling nauseated.